Welcome to Newingate School
Professional Development on Questioning
Here you will find a range of CPD and resources exploring questioning.
Session 1: Daily and Monthly Review Questioning
Pre-Session Activity:
Complete the pre-session activity here.
Watch the video below:
Post-Session Activity:
Arrange a time to observe a colleague undertaking daily review questioning (or ask a colleague to observe you).
Meet ahead of the observation to discuss your plans.
Conduct the observation (this is only 5-8 minutes). You may find this pro-forma useful.
Meet with your colleague to discuss the observation. This is NOT feedback but a professional learning conversation.
Session 2: Using Verbal Questioning
Pre-Session Activity:
Complete the pre-session activity here.
The videos mentioned in the activity can be watched below:
Watch the video below:
Post-Session Activity:
Arrange a time to observe a colleague undertaking verbal questioning (or ask a colleague to observe you).
Meet ahead of the observation to discuss your plans.
Conduct the observation (this is only around 15-20 minutes). You may find this pro-forma useful.
Meet with your colleague to discuss the observation. This is NOT feedback but a professional learning conversation.
Session 3: Developing Written Questions
Pre-Session Activity:
Complete the pre-session activity here.
The article mentioned in the activity can also be accessed here.
Watch the video below:
Post-Session Activity:
Choose a forthcoming lesson and utilise your learning to plan the written questions for this lesson.
Consider the construct of the questions, graduated questions, differentiated questions, inclusion of prior learning...
Conduct the lesson.
Reflect afterwards on how the questions developed the student's learning, how you may build on these in the future and the areas you might develop further. You may find this pro-forma useful.
Here is a Word version of the Question Matrix that you may find useful in your planning.